Missing Tooth Treatment
Missing teeth is a condition that can be seen in almost everyone. As a rule, 20-year-old teeth fall into the category of missing teeth. But if the tooth is very rotten, a shot may be required. In such cases, treatment is also required. Methods of treatment may also vary for different reasons.
The person's condition should be analyzed before choosing treatment methods. The doctor conducts a manual examination of the teeth, and an orthodontic X-ray is performed. The general condition of the teeth and jaw will be revealed as a result of the X-ray. As a result, the application of the solution to the missing teeth is selected. As a rule, the choice is made within the scope of the doctor's experience. But the person also has the right to a say. His wishes should be acted upon. Because missing tooth completion is also aesthetically effective.
Missing Tooth Replacement
One of the most effective methods of missing teeth decoupage is missing tooth replacement. It is a procedure that has been applied to oral and dental health for a long time. Over time, it has also started to be applied in different ways. It is especially preferred in places where implant treatment is not possible. In addition, a bridge can also be applied to implant treatment. There are different bridge methods. They are divided into three: conventional, elbowed, and implant-supported dental bridges.

How Is Missing Tooth Treatment Done?
Missing tooth treatment has different techniques among the missing tooth decoupage methods. In the traditional method, both sides of the place where the missing tooth is located should be covered with natural teeth. Dental crowns are attached to the teeth on both sides. Some preparation is done on the front and back teeth, and measurements are taken. The bridge is also prepared according to these measurements. An artificial tooth is attached to a natural tooth together with a crown on an elbow tooth bridge. For this method to be performed, there must be a natural tooth on one side of the place where the tooth cavity is located.
In an implant-supported dental bridge, implants are used instead of natural teeth. Implant application is performed for each missing tooth. Thanks to this, the dental bridge is attached to the teeth. If it is not possible for each missing tooth, a bridge is made between two implant-supported crowns. The application of special prostheses on the implant is the most robust bridge system. It consists of two stages in the form of placement of implants in the jawbone and placement of the bridge.
Missing Tooth Options: Fixed Porcelain Bridge Construction
Among the missing tooth options there are the construction of a stationary porcelain bridge. It is another name for a traditional dental bridge. It consists of several stages with the implementation of the bridge. First, two natural teeth are prepared to which the bridge tooth will adhere. Then the impression of the teeth and dental cavities is prepared and sent to the laboratory. The temporary bridge is being glued until the permanent bridge arrives.
As for the permanent bridge, the temporary bridge is being removed. In general, it is practiced if there is a lack of a small number of teeth in the mouth. Adjacent supporting teeth can be reduced. Missing teeth are more effective than treatments such as braces. It can be made into visible parts of the mouth. A person cannot remove these prostheses on his own. Its construction, measurement, and installation are completed within 3-4 sessions. Fixed prostheses are divided into two types: with and without metal support.
Implant Application for Missing Tooth Smile
Missing tooth replacement options methods also include implant treatment. Decongestant treatment is also available. If there is a single missing tooth, the doctor opens the hole where the implant will be placed by exposing the bone in the area. An implant is inserted into the hole and a coating is applied to it. In cases of complete toothlessness, completely fixed bridges can be made with a sufficient number of implants. In short, it is called titanium screws that are inserted into the jawbone.
Missing Tooth Treatment in Turkey
The prices for missing tooth completion methods vary depending on the method, the clinic, and the doctor's experience. It must be examined necessarily; individual planning is determined during the examination. That is why it is impossible to say anything unambiguously about the prices of missing dental treatment bridges.