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Root Canal Treatment in Turkey

Root Canal Treatment in Turkey

1 Day

Do not let an aching tooth drop your quality of life! Root problems may not cause any bad visual appearance at first, but they eventually deform your teeth and cause constant tingling during chewing and even speaking. Meet our well-experienced doctors for a root canal treatment and solve the root of the problem!


Root Canal Treatment

            Dental health is quite important for the rest of body health. Infections in the tooth can affect the other systems of the body. Even if the teeth seem unimportant for many of us people should take care of dental health.

            Tooth decaying is a common oral problem. If tooth decay is not treated in a timely, the decaying can go further and causes inflammation on the nerves of the tooth. That's why people are suffering from severe toothache. Toothaches can diminish dramatically one's life quality. For example, one suffering from a toothache cannot eat hot or cold foods. Also, inflammation can affect the other parts of the body.

What is root canal treatment?

            To answer what is root canal treatment question, it is necessary to know about the anatomy of the tooth in general. Tooth has three layers which are enamel, dentin, and pulp. In the middle of the tooth, there is a space which is called the root canal. Also, there is a soft tissue which is called the pulp. In the pulp, there are vessels and nerves. When the tooth is cracked as a result of external or internal impact or a deep tooth decay occurs, bacteria can reach the pulp part and begin to multiply there. If this condition is left untreated, bacteria can cause a serious infection or tooth abscess. Root canal treatment is a way that repairs and saves the infected or decayed tooth. In root canal treatment, the dental nerve where is in the pulp is removed and the decaying parts of the tooth are cleaned.

            In the past when there is a situation of severe tooth decay or an infection on the tooth the decayed tooth was extracted. But in the root canal treatment, there is no need to extract the tooth. You will not lose your tooth with this treatment because this treatment treats infected teeth instead of extracting them.

How is the root canal treatment carried out?

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            Dental root canal treatment is a way that saves the infected tooth from being extracted. Tooth decaying can be quite dangerous if it is not treated by the dentist. Inflammation causes toothache and swelling in the jaw. When it comes to stages of root canal treatment patients probably want to know better about it. It can be said that the root canal treatment is not like a serious operation.

            Before the root canal treatment, your dentist will need to take an X-ray to see the shape of the root canals and if there are any signs of the infection in the jawbone. Local anaesthesia is given to the area in order to clean the root. Thanks to local anaesthesia you will not suffer from any kind of pain during the treatment. The dentist will drill your infected tooth to access the root canal. Then the decayed pulp and damaged nerves will be removed from the tooth. And the interior part of the tooth will be cleaned with special equipment. Steps of root canal treatment can differ if there is more than one tooth or if there is an inflammation on the tooth or not. In some cases, the dentist may give patients anti-inflammatory or antibiotics to treat ongoing apse on the tooth.


What are the types of root canal treatment?

            Root canal therapy helps to save natural teeth by cleaning the inside of infected or inflamed teeth. It can be said that there are other different ways to do this treatment. The difference in the root canal treatments can be seen when it comes to the cleaning part.

            In most cases, the dentist cleans the inside of the tooth with special dental equipment. But the water or laser can be used to clean this part too. There are also non-surgical root canal treatments. In those variations, there is only a cleaning part. But in many cases, cleaning is not sufficient to solve the decaying problem.

            In some cases, root canal treatment for front teeth can be done. Actually, there is no difference if you need to root canal treatment for your front teeth. But it is not a common situation.


What are the advantages of root canal treatment?

            Root canal treatment for teeth is one of the most popular dental treatments. Tooth decay affects not only the tooth itself but also the jawbone. Inflammation in the jawbone can cause several diseases. If you notice a tooth decaying in your mouth it is time for root canal treatment. Thus you will not lose your tooth or you will have a high chance to save it. With a root canal treatment procedure, you can prevent breath odour due to tooth decay. In many cases, tooth decay spreads and causes many infections. In order to prevent those infections, you have to use antibiotics. Having tooth canal treatment you will not need to take antibiotics because it is a permanent solution for it. Decaying teeth can cause eating disorders. An infected tooth has more sensation for many kinds of nutrients. After root canal treatment you can eat or drink as usual.

            If you are interested in having root canal treatment and root canal treatment cost, you can get in contact with us.  



  • Your health is restored by ensuring the protection of the bone structure around your teeth.
  • You can avoid losing your teeth that are rotting but have a high chance of being saved.
  • Odor caused by tooth decay is prevented.
  • By preventing the use of antibiotics, your tooth is cured with a healthier solution.
  • Preventing tooth loss leads to having a healthier tooth structure.
  • The dental problems caused by your eating habits are eliminated.


1. Is root canal treatment painful?

It can be easily said that root canal treatment is one of the safest and most successful dental treatments. It is not a painful treatment.

2. Who can be a good candidate for root canal treatment?

If you have tooth and jaw pain, you will need to do root canal treatment. Also, people who have swelling around the teeth, tooth sensitivity, and visible tooth injury think about root canal treatment. But only dentists can decide entirely about whether you need root canal treatment.

3. Do I need a root canal if the tooth does not hurt?

You need a root canal treatment even if your tooth does not have pain. Only dentists can decide it. So that you should visit your dentist regularly.

4. What can I expect during the root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment has three parts. First, the local anesthesia is given to your infected tooth and its surrounding parts. In the second part, the infected tooth is cleaned such as removing nerves, and tissues. In the last part, the canal is cleaned and filled with a dental filling.

5. Does a root canal treatment weaken my tooth?

No. On the contrary root canal treatment strengthen your teeth. Also, you can save your tooth by doing this treatment.

6. Will I lose my tooth during the root canal treatment process?

Root canal treatment helps you to save the tooth which has pain and swelling. But the last decision will be given by your dentist.

7. How long does root canal treatment last?

Root canal treatment is an easy and fast process. Between 30-60 minutes the treatment is completed by your dentist.

8. What should I expect after a root canal treatment?

After the treatment, you can go to your home. In the first years, you may feel sensitivity in your teeth. In two days, you can return to your daily routine.

9. How to take care of your tooth after the root canal treatment process?

You should take care of your oral hygiene regularly. Brushing your teeth regularly and using oral hygiene solutions help you to protect your oral health.

10. What kind of foods should not you consume after root canal treatment?

You can eat 30-45 minutes after the treatment. In the first days after the operation, you should not eat sticky, crunchy, too hot, and too cold foods.


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